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Kisan Parivahan Yojana @

Kisan Parivahan Yojana @ - 5% of the total cost or Rs. 5,000 / - whichever is less than 2 Category 2): General / Other Farmers: 5% of total cost or Rs. In case of empanelment by the account of less than Rs. 50,000 / -, the beneficiary farmer has to purchase from the authorized seller of the manufacturer included in the panel prepared for the purpose of price discovery declared by the account from time to time.NFSM scheme is implemented by the Government of India as per the guide line of 12th Five year plan during the year 2014-15. In this scheme Pulses, Wheat, Rice as well as coarse cereal and commercial crops (Sugarcane and cotton) are included. Besides this, Nutri Cereal (Jowar, Bajra and Ragi crops) has been included by the Government of India from 2018-19. During the year 2014-15 NFSM scheme was implemented as 50:50 % (Central: State) sharing pattern and from 2015-16 this scheme is implemented as 60:40% (Central: State) sharing pattern.

The Modi government has started a replacement scheme to develop the transport in rural areas. Pradhan Mantri Gram Parivahan Scheme is one such yojana which will provide subsidies to the agricultural transportation. Proper roads or the other way of transportation are going to be the strong initiatives for development. In fact, still there are many rural villages of India don’t have proper transportation medium due to not having roads. during this scheme women can also get opportunities.Agriculture Scientists and officers are provided guidance to farmers about Scientific farming, Organic farming, Farm mechanization, Micro Irrigation, Crop Value addition and Agriculture related information as well as provided knowledge of Government Scheme. In additions, to provide free kit distribution to small farmer during Krushi Mahotsav.

This program comprises mainly the financial outlay as matching share for the centrally sponsored schemes for increasing production of specific crops in specific area. The centrally sponsored schemes viz. Oilseed production programmed, National Pulses Development Project, and Technology Mission on Maize Development merged in to one scheme vis. ISOPOM as per Government of India's guideline. Other centrally sponsored scheme for improvement of Crop Statistic is retained.

Government of India has launched Technology Mission on cotton to encourage the production of quality cotton. The Mini Mission –II under the TMC is implemented by the department of agriculture to increase the yield in the field of farmers. The funds share is 75:25 central and state.The above mission on oilseeds, pulses and maize production is to be implemented on 75:25 state/central sharing basis. These programmes have got priority in 20 Point Programme also. An amount of Rs. 930.00 lakh and Rs. 2790.00 lakh as state share has been provided respectively for the year 2008-09.

Moving to the second green revolution in the state and the purposes of double the income of farmers in five years to introduced Krushi Mahotsav -2005 in the state by the State Government as an innovative approach in agriculture. Many good results obtained in agricultural Festival -2005, after the agricultural festivals are held for a month long period of time to start the every year.
During Krishi Mahotsav contact up to village level has been established through a mobile exhibition called "Krishi Rath” that visited every village. Experts accompanying with "Krishi Rath” to cater farming problems transfer of technology to the farmers. Along with advising and assisting individual farmer, distribution of free input kits to resource poor farmers in has been made. Community based programs like water conservation also been included. By this way active involvement of NGOs, progressive farmers and cooperatives and private institution also been made.

1. Anyone can apply for the schemes available at that time on the iKhedut portal.
2. The eligibility and non-eligibility of the application is decided by the designated officer on the basis of site inspection or manual verification of records.
The status of whether the application is eligible or not is updated in the application by the authorized person.
3. The pre-approval officer pre-approves the applications.
4. Verification work is also decided after thorough spot-check / record-check.
5. Pre-approval Order and Payment Order are signed by the competent authority

How To Apply? 

:: Steps ::

1. Apply again by clicking on the "Apply New" button.

. Click on the "Update Application" button to update the application.

. Confirm once the application is correct.

. Take a print out of the confirmed application.

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