Gujarat Virtual Shala online Exam for std 9 TO 12 Result Declared -under the home learning program of Samagra Shiksha, Gujarat, online classes of Gujarat Virtual School Std-9 and Std-10 Mathematics (10 AM), Science (11 AM) Std-10 English (2.15 PM) and Std-12 Accounts (12.15 PM), Statistics (1.15 PM), Mathematics (12.15 PM) will be examined on 03-10-2020. So to participate in this exam, click on the link below and you will see the live video of our channel in front of you. Click on the video of that class. At the beginning of the class, you will be given the link to the exam in the Live Chat Box of that video. Can give. So please send this message to all the students so that the maximum number of students can participate in this exam.
Gujarat Virtual Shala online Exam for std 9 TO 12 Result
DIKSHA is a unique initiative which leverages existing highly scalable and flexible digital infrastructures, while keeping teachers at the center. It is built considering the whole teacher's life cycle - from the time student teachers enroll in Teacher Education Institutes (TEIs) to after they retire as teachers.In India, many teachers are creating & using innovative tech-based solutions in their classrooms. Some state governments have also initiated programs to support their teachers digitally. This inspired MHRD and NCTE to coordinate these efforts at a national level and build DIKSHA.States, government bodies and even private organisations, can integrate DIKSHA into their respective teacher initiatives based on their goals, needs and capabilities. They can use DIKSHA's features to create:
The National Teacher Platform will be a minimal and generalised technology platform built using Open Standards and Application Program Interfaces (APIsreation and consumption of teaching and learning content. As a shared infrastructure the platform will avoid duplication of effort and save costs.The NTP will cater to teachers from all stages of school education including pre-primary, primary, upper primary, secondary and senior secondary. All institutions, groups and individuals catering to the above can be enrolled as members of the platform, and can contribute to the creation, curation and use of resources on the platform.
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Electronics and Information Technology is one of the fastest growing segments of the Indian Industry. Along with the liberalisation in foreign investment and export-import policies, this sector is attracting considerable interest. This section gives detailed information about the Communication and Information Technology in the country which is handled by the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology. Information related to the post, telecommunication and information and technology is provided. Get detailed information about the North East Postal Circle of Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. Users can find information related to the postal services such as post card, insurance, registration, speed post, business post, money order, Instant money Order (iMO) etc. One can search pincode, calculate postage tariffs, track consignments online....
Get information about the Gram Santhosh, a rural postal life insurance scheme provided by India. Information about the key features of Gram Santhosh rural postal life insurance scheme such as insurance cover, age limit, medical claims, nomination facility, loan facility and maximum sum assured is available. Users can get information about the surrender period of policy. Users can also convert...Get information about money order by Kerala Postal Circle. Users can find details on the process of sending and payment of money order. Information on alteration of address and payee's name are also available. Information on stoppage of payment, money order form, necessary entries and other acknowledgements is provided.
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Department of Information Technology Jammu and Kashmir looks after the IT sector in the state. Details related to upcoming and completed major IT projects are provided. Information related to E-governance is also available. Details related to policies and acts are also provided. Information related to IT policy is available. Visitors can access to other government links.Find information about the wide range of delightful greeting post cards provided by the India Post. Greeting post cards are available in pre- paid postage envelopes. Information about advantages of greeting post cards, places where cards are available, features of greeting post cards, etc. is given. Details related to types of greeting cards along with the dimensions and prices are also...
Indian Government, at all levels, announces Welfare Schemes for a cross section of the society from time to time. These schemes could be either Central, State specific or a joint collaboration between the Centre and the States. In this section, we have attempted to provide you an easy and single point access to information about several welfare schemes of the Government and their various aspects including eligible beneficiaries, types of benefits, scheme details etc.Government DirectoryIn this section you can find the contact information for Union, State and UT Government agencies, authorized persons and employees.
Postal address, telephone number, email address and fax number of Ministries, Departments and other organizations are also available. Access directories of various codes such as pin code, STD code, station code, train number, etc. Contact information of courts, commissions, forums and tribunals is also provided.
HousingThe housing industry of India is one of the fastest growing sectors. A large population base, rising income level and rapid urbanization leads to growth in this sector. In the Federal structure of the Indian polity, the matters pertaining to the housing and urban development have been assigned by the Constitution of India to the State Governments. However, the Union government is responsible for formulation and implementation of social housing schemes. Our section on housing highlights various initiatives and schemes implemented by government for rural, urban and EWS housing.
Finance is the backbone of any economy. In order to propel the economic development of the country, finance and tax related matters are highly essential. This section provides information related finance and taxes, and covers sectors namely insurance, banking, economy, trades and business etc. Details of acts, rules, schemes, policies, budget, online services, etc. by the Union and state governments are also available in this section.Power and Energy are two essential inputs for economic development and improving the quality of life in India. Development of conventional forms of energy for meeting the growing energy needs of society at a reasonable cost is the responsibility of the Government. This section focuses on the growth of both conventional and non-conventional form of energy in the country. Details of the schemes, policies, reports, statistics related to the sector are available. Special initiatives by the Union and state governments to promote the non-conventional/alternate/new and renewable sources of energy such as solar, wind and bio-energy, etc., are also mentioned.
Gujarat Virtual Shala online Exam for std 9 TO 12 Result :
Date 19-12-2020 Exam Result
STD 9 Maths STD 9 Science STD 9 English
STD 10 Maths STD 10 Science STD 10 English
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