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Indian Toy Fair 2021 Registration @

 Aimed at boosting toy manufacture in India and improving its global market share, the government on Thursday announced the first ‘India Toy Fair-2021’ to be held from February 27 to March 2, 2021 Bringing together all stakeholders of the Indian toy industry, the fair was jointly inaugurated by the respective ministers of education, textiles and commerce and industry with the launch of its official website.

The website for the ‘India Toy Fair 2021’ will enable children, parents, teachers, exhibitors, etc. to register themselves to participate in the virtual fair and showcase various facets of the ‘Indian toy ecosphere’. It is the first ever digitally accessible exhibition and platform which will provide an opportunity to not only explore and buy a variety of toys from over 1,000 exhibitors across states and UTs, but also to participate in insightful webinars, panel discussions and activities and network with various stakeholders of the toy industry.

The Indian Toy Fair will offer a unique opportunity to both children as well as their parents so that they can dive into the vibrant world of Indian toys. It will be an exciting opportunity for the teacher and educators also, to know the aptitude of Indian toys which can create a holistic learning experience among all age group students. And as per the information around 1200+ exhibitors will feature themselves in the event.

Indian Toy Fair 2021 Registration Process

As the event will be conducted virtually so you need to register yourself first in the official portal and the details for the same is available below: –

  • First of all, you need to open “The Indian toy fair” official website
  • And on the home page of the portal, you need to click on the register now tab national-toy-fair-registration
  • After this, the Indian Toy fair registration form will appear on your screen where…
  • You need to fill in the following details: 
  • You are a General visitor or Business delegator orA media representative.
  • followed by your name, mobile number, Email ID.
  • Later on, you need to select the country from the dropdown list and the state of the country the-indian-toy-fair-registration-form
  • On submitting the details a message will display showing that thankyou for registering
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