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Circular - Shala Sanyukt Grant Babat

A study performed by the American Council of Life Insurers showed that a 35 year old is six times more likely to be disabled than die before they are 65. Disability policies can be tailored to supplement employer benefits, provide benefits to the self-insured, or to fund a business disability buy-sell agreement.

Financial products for individuals and families including life insurance, fixed annuities, disability insurance, mutual funds and IRAs

Life insurance is an essential part of any financial program. A variety of policies and limits can be used to pay off a mortgage, cover future education expenses, fund a business buy-sell agreement and more. The type of policy and limits you need will depend on your financial goals.

Disability insurance is just as essential. A study performed by the American Council of Life Insurers showed that a 35 year old is six times more likely to be disabled than die before they are 65. Disability policies can be tailored to supplement employer benefits, provide benefits to the self-insured, or to fund a business disability buy-sell agreement.

Life Insurance (Individual)
There are four primary types of life insurance, and each has a place in any sound financial plan. The four variations of life insurance are:

Term Life Insurance - fixed premiums for a fixed period of time, like 10 or 20 years
Whole Life Insurance - permanent insurance, as long as premiums are paid, with fixed premiums and cash value benefits
Universal Life Insurance - permanent insurance with options to change premiums and death benefits
Variable Life Insurance - similar to Universal Life but with the flexibility to choose investment risks to maximize cash value benefit
Life insurance can be used for a variety of financial planning purposes, including:

Paying for the education of children
Helping your spouse and surviving children maintain their lifestyles
To ensure the continuation of a business after the death of a key owner or employee.

Life, Health and Disability (Individual)
Life insurance is an essential part of any financial program. A variety of policies and limits can be used to pay off a mortgage, cover future education expenses, fund a business buy-sell agreement and more. The type of policy and limits you need will depend on your financial goals.

Disability insurance is just as essential. A study performed by the American Council of Life Insurers showed that a 35 year old is six times more likely to be disabled than die before they are 65. Disability policies can be tailored to supplement employer benefits, provide benefits to the self-insured, or to fund a business disability buy-sell agreement.

There are more health plans than ever before and increasingly plans are finding ways to balance important financial protection from medical care costs with premium. Budgeting. Let us know what your unique needs are and we will find a program to fit your protection requirements and budget.


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