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Standard 3 to 8 Winning Students List, Question Solve Prize' competition for more children

Standard 3 to 8 Winning Students List, Question Solve Prize' competition for more children-  Students are getting the benefit of the programs aired by DD Girnar under the Home Learning Program of Samagra Shiksha, Gujarat. In the initial stage of this program, TV of Std. 3 to 8. After the episode airs, the child will finally develop comprehension in that episode and a question is asked through the 'Question Solve Prize' competition for more children to watch the program. Four options for this question are given. The student has to answer the correct number by calling the toll free number.

In the episode that airs every Saturday, the names of the students who gave randomly 10 correct answers by the computer are announced among the correct answers to the questions till Wednesday of that week. Accordingly, the list of top 10 students in Std-3,4 environment to Std-5 to 8 Mathematics subject on 30/12/2020 is included with this. * Which is widely publicized and at most children are asked to make a sincere effort to participate in this competition. 

With COVID-19 causing widespread school closures, children across the country are being given alternate resources, some online, to study outside of the classroom. Temporary solutions being devised for remote education range from online classroom tools like Google Classroom, to Zoom and podcasts by teachers. While parents are adjusting to this new scenario, during this time it’s also important to help kids stay focused on learning and avoid overuse of games, social media, and videos.

Even though staying home from school might feel like a holiday, remind your kids that they’re not on vacation. Assignments, grades, requirements, and tests like state exams, SATs, and ACTs aren’t going away just because classes have moved online.

In this program, after the TV episodes of every standard from Std. 3 to 5 have been aired in the initial stage from 10/12/2020, in that episode, the last child will develop comprehension and a question will be asked for maximum number of children to watch this program. Four options for this question will be given. The student has to call the toll free number and answer the question by 10:00 pm on the same day. 

DATE 30-12-2020 WINNER LIST 
STD 3 TO 8
STD 4 VIJETA LIST -click here to view And watch
STD 5 VIJETA LIST -click here to view And Watch

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