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GSEB STD 10 Maths Paper Style 2021 - Gujarat SSC Blueprint 2021 for Maths

GSEB STD 10 Maths Paper Style 2021 -Gujarat SSC Blueprint 2021 for Maths  : The Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board or GSEB is a government of Gujarat body responsible for determining the policy-related, administrative, cognitive, and intellectual direction the state's higher educational system takes.

The main responsibilities of the Board include academics, conducting examinations and research and development.The Gujarat board was formed on 1 May 1960. It is very popular board in the Gujarat State. It conducts state level exam. The main academic task of GSEB is the preparation of syllabus for secondary schools and also the recommendation of text-books to be taught in government schools. The Board also performs the duties of recognising new schools, performance evaluation of schools and inspections of various schools associated with the Board.

The GSEB conducts 2 (including 4 semester type examinations) main examinations - The Secondary School Certificate (SSC) exam for Standard 10 and the Higher Secondary (School) Certificate (HSC)examination for Standard XI-XII students in Gujarat. The Board also holds a Talent Search for students of Std VIII & IX in five major subjects every year. It is divided in 2 major parts.Recently,GSEB has changed State level Examinations from JEE(Mains) to GUJCET.

Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board have announced STD-10 Blueprint 2021 Pdf with new question paper style for SA, FA Exam paper-1, paper-2, and Paper-3 exam Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Skills style to the state government and private school general and vocational course regular and private student to the academic year of 2021.

The GSEB SSC exam is held in the traditional pen and paper mode. The duration of each subject’s examination is three hours. All the students are required to score at least 33% marks to pass the examinations. The students must become familiar with the GSEB SSC examination pattern before starting with the preparations. This will help the students in knowing the type of questions along with the marking scheme of the examination.

GSEB Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board is Going to Conduct the Secondary Class 10th Examination 2021 GSEB Std 10th Blueprint 2021 Blueprint Of Std 10th Gujarat Board 2021 GSEB Std 10th Blueprint 2021 Gujarati Medium GSEB 10th Blue Print Questions 2021 Gujarat 10th Model Questions Paper 2021

Candidates have to appear for the following subjects for the GSEB SSC— First language (Gujarati, English, Tamil, Urdu, Hindi, Marathi, Sindhi, Telugu and Odiya), Second language (Gujarati, English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Sindhi, Arabic, Farsi and Urdu), Social Science, Mathematics and Science and Technology. There are no practicals involved for subjects, unlike some of the other boards in India.  

Check GSEB STD-10 Blueprint 2021 form Here

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