Gujarat All School UDISE CODE Number
UDISE (Unified District Information System for Education) is an all India level school database Developed by the Ministry of Education, Government of India. It was created for the successful implementation, effective monitoring of Government educational programs, and strengthening the educational information management system in India. UDISE collects and classifies data of schools at different levels, and this information can be accessed using a unique U DISE Code of 13 characters, and this code is known as UDISE Code.
Its currently in use for many school related operations in India.It helps to organize and classify all school data across country.You can get any school information with this number.This codes are somewhat difficult to remember.Because these are long about 13 characters .
But if you forgot your school U-DISE number then also no worry about it.Because you can get any school U-DISE code any time with one government website
Note : Try to fill maximum fields that you know about school.ex . Academic Year,State,District,Block,Cluster,Village.
Finally hit Search button given below form.You will be need to hold your patience as search will take some time.It depends on your internet speed and data you provide to websites search engine.
After some time you will get search result in the form of school list.
You can find your schools UDISE number as well as more information about expected school.As well as you can print that list.
Timely and accurate data is the basis of sound and effective planning and decision-making. Towards this end, the establishment of a well-functioning and Sustainable Educational Management Information System is of utmost importance today.
Unified District Information System for Education (UDISE) initiated in 2012-13 integrating DISE for elementary and secondary education is one of the largest Management Information Systems on School Education covering more than 1.5 million schools, 9.4 million teachers and almost 250 million children.
UDISE+ is an updated and improved version of UDISE. The entire system is now online and has been collecting data in real-time since 2018-19.
The exact geographic location of schools with latitude & longitude can be viewed.BBasemap services like street maps and high-resolution satellite images are available for a better understanding of the topography/ terrain of the school locations.
School report cards giving vital information such as school category, management, infrastructure, enrolment, student-teacher ratio, student-classroom ratio, etc. will be linked to the photos of the schools on the map.
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