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Central Govt. may Implement ‘Universal Basic Income Scheme’ for People.

Central Govt. may Implement ‘Universal Basic Income Scheme’ for People.

The Central Government might take the decision of providing relief to the people of the nation. The Government might implement the‘Universal Basic Income Scheme'. Under this scheme, every citizen will be provided a fixed amount on the basis of his salary every month. This scheme may be announced in Economic Survey and the Budget.

Economic Survey Included In Report:

Economic expert Professor Guy Standing said that the research introduced in the Universal Basic Income Scheme has been included in the Economic Survey report.

If the scheme is implemented across the country then 3 to 4 percent of GDP would cost. The government is spending 4 to 5 percent of GDP in subsidy. The government would have to move on in a phased manner to end these subsidies after implementing the scheme. Universal Basic Income Scheme and subsidies can not go together.

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