Important notification Regarding Dyso & Nayab Mamlatdar Exam
The important details about GPSC Deputy Mamlatdar Recruitment Notification 2016 like Post details, age limit, educational qualification, selection procedure, Application Form, how to apply etc are mentioned below. After getting the detail info, candidate those who are interested to apply for this should fill the application form available at the official site at Deputy Section Officer (secretariat) – 454 posts
- Deputy Mamlatdar (Revenue Department) – 200 posts
- Deputy Section Officer (GPSC) – 31 posts
Gujarat Public service Commission Recruitment Board was set up on 31st December 1954 is one of the biggest commissions in India working to recruit staff for various departments in Gujarat State. It held various recruitment exams regularly to appoint staff on the behalf of Government departments. GPSC advise on the matters relating to methods of recruitment to various Civil Services of the State; and the principles to be followed in making appointments to civil services of the State and granting promotions, transfers from one service to another and the suitability of candidates for such appointments, promotions and transfers. recruitment 2016
- Name of the organization: Gujarat Public Service Commission.
- Posts Name: Deputy Sector Officer, Deputy Mamlatdar, Etc.
- Total Vacancies: Deputy Section Officer (secretariat): 454 posts, Deputy Mamlatdar: 200 posts, Deputy Section Officer (GPSC): 31 posts
- Application Mode: Online
- Starting Date For Filling Application Form: 01st July, 2016
- Last Date For Filling Application Form: 20th July, 2016
- Application Fees: Rs.100/-
- Age limit: 20 to 35 years
- Eligibility: Bachelor’s Degree
- Pay Scale: Rs.15500/- per month with grade pay
- Selection process: Screening Test, Written Exam, and Personal Interview.
- Date of Screening Test: 13th November, 2016
- Screening Test Marks: 100
- Time Duration: 1 hour
- Screening Test Results: February 2017
- Date of Written Examination: 06th May 2017 and 07th May 2017
- Date of Written Test Results: August 2017
- Website:
- GPSC Recruitment 2016 for Deputy Section Officer
- Education Qualification: Applicants willing to apply for the above mention post must have done Bachelor degree obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under Central or State Act in India. In addition to this candidates must have Basic knowledge of Computer Application.
- Application Fees: Examination fee for the Candidates applying for the GPSC Deputy Section officer post is Rs. 100/- for General Candidate and Other Backward Classes. Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe are exempted from paying application fee. Application fee must be paid through Indian postal Order or through Online. Payment of Application Fees should be done before last date 20.07.2016.
Age Limit: To apply for the GPSC Recruitment 2016 the applicants should have minimum of 20 years and maximum of 35 years as on 01st July 2016. Age relaxation will be applicable for reserved quota. Upper age limit will be relaxed for OBC/ SC/ ST Candidates. OBC candidate age limit will be relaxed by 3 years and for SC/ST applicants, for 5 years as per Government rules and regulations.
GPSC Deputy Section Officer Recruitment 2016
Pay Scale: Selection process is based on the performance of the candidate in Screening Test, Written exam and personal Interview. Finally the candidate selected for Deputy Section Officer Post will be given a Salary of Rs.15500 for five years and after the completion of 5 years candidate will get a pay scale of Rs.9300 to 34800 with Grade Pay of Rs.4400 per month.
OJAS Nayab Mamlatdar Recruitment 2016 Apply Online
Exam Pattern: GPSC Deputy Section Officer Exam is divided in two phases i.e. preliminary (Screening Test) and Mains Examination. Screening test consists of 100 marks question from General Studies. Time duration for the screening test is 60 minutes. Main Examination include question from Gujarati, English and General Studies. Each section includes 100 questions each. Time duration for each of the paper is 2 hour.
The Screening test will be conducted 13th November 2016 and candidates selected in this test need to attend the Main written Examination held on 06th May 2017 and 07th May 2017.
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