Gujarat: Congress promises ‘freedom from outsourcing, fixed pay system’Fix Pay As a Big Question Of Gujarat So Congress on Sunday said that it will secure “freedom from outsourcing and fixed pay system” for 15 lakh families being exploited by the state Government for years. The party was referring to the youths employed by the state government on fix-pay scale or on contract basis. It will stage a dharna on Monday and Tuesday near the Collector’s Office to raise the issue and submit a memorandum.Congress legislature party leader Shankarsinh Vaghela and GPCC president Bharatsinh Solanki in a joint press briefingsaid the party wanted to start 2017 by giving “gift of freedom” to the15 lakh youths who are grossly underpaid by the government in the name of austerity amidlot of wastefuland unproductive spending by it.
Gujarat: Congress promises ‘freedom from outsourcing, fixed pay system’Fix Pay As a Big Question Of Gujarat So Congress on Sunday said that it will secure “freedom from outsourcing and fixed pay system” for 15 lakh families being exploited by the state Government for years. The party was referring to the youths employed by the state government on fix-pay scale or on contract basis. It will stage a dharna on Monday and Tuesday near the Collector’s Office to raise the issue and submit a memorandum.Congress legislature party leader Shankarsinh Vaghela and GPCC president Bharatsinh Solanki in a joint press briefingsaid the party wanted to start 2017 by giving “gift of freedom” to the15 lakh youths who are grossly underpaid by the government in the name of austerity amidlot of wastefuland unproductive spending by it.