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GSSSB - Bin Sachivalay Clerk And Office Assistant Provosional Answer Declared-2016

Name of the recruiter: Gujarat Subordinate Service Selection Board
Name of the examination: Bin Sachivalay (Clerk and office assistant)
Total Vacancy: 4189
Selection procedure: written examination and personal interview
Written examination: 16/10/2016
Awaiting for: answer key
Personal interview: dates will be declared soon
Once the candidate will get GSSSEB Bin Sachivalay answer key 2016, they can measure and determine what the level of competition is and what will be the expected cut off marks. As any candidate who is looking forward for government job as clerk or Office Assistant, they have to clear this examination. Upon successful completion of the examination, candidates will be called for the personal interview. And on the basis of the PI performance, candidate will be given posting as clerk or office assistant.

How to download GSSSEB Bin Sachivalay answer key 2016

  • How to download GSSSEB Bin Sachivalay answer key 2016 
  • Candidates have to open official website 
  • There will be tab called examination. 
  • Click on that and find the paper solution 
  • Download as per the Set A, Set B, Set C & Set D. 
  • Take print out and save it for future reference. 

Tag : Answer key

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