Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) has published Important Notification for the post of Vidyut Sahayak Jr, Engineer (Electrical / Civil) 2016, Check below for more details.
In connection with the online examination dated 2.8.2015 the following candidates are selected for appointment to the post of VSJE (Electrical and civil) and called to remain present with the below mentioned original certificates/documents and one set of self-attested Xerox copies at following venue, date and time for verification.
In connection with the online examination dated 2.8.2015 the following candidates are selected for appointment to the post of VSJE (Electrical and civil) and called to remain present with the below mentioned original certificates/documents and one set of self-attested Xerox copies at following venue, date and time for verification.
Since some of the candidates could not remain present for document verification during 29th and 30th August, 2016, the document verification is kept open till 03.
09.2016 at the same place and Time.
09.2016 at the same place and Time.
- Notice for Document Verification (pdf)
- List of Candidates (electrical / civil)
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