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Covid Vaccination Certificate – How to download using different methods

Covid Vaccination Certificate – How to download using different methods

Covid Vaccination Certificate download: Corona Vaccination is being organized on a big scale in the country and millions of people are getting vaccinated every day. Many of the citizens are still struggling with How to book Corona Vaccine slot and how to download Covid Vaccination certificate from sources like Umang App, Digilocker App, Aarogya Setu App, and also using their Aadhar card, Mobile Number, Reference ID, Beneficiary ID, and Cowin Portal.

Covid Vaccination Certificate Download

After getting vaccinated, people want to download the certificate of Corona vaccination. Many of the citizens are either in their old age or are not familiar with the process to download the Corona Vaccination certificate. And as we know, the certificate can be accessed through various methods. We have gone through each method to provide you in detail with the proper process to download the Cowin vaccine certificate.

We recommend the users please read the steps carefully and download the certificate from the government-sponsored apps only. The below-given methods are legit and will help you to download the Covid Vaccine certificate.

Vaccine Certificate Correction link

How to Cowin Vaccine Certificate Correction in CoWin?

First of all, you have to link to the official website of CoWin.
Whose link is –

Then you will have to fill in your phone number, through which you had registered for your own Covid-19 vaccine.

Vaccine Certificate Verification Link

How to download Cowin Vaccination Certificate from Digilocker App

Digilocker app allows you to store your various personal documents like Aadhar Card, Driving License, etc. This app also stores data from various other departments of the Indian government. You can download Corona Vaccination certificate from the Digi-Locker app by following these steps.

  • Visit the Play store to download and install the Digi-Locker app if you haven’t already.
  • Now go through the registration process in the app by entering details like Name, DOB, gender, Security Pin, Mobile number, Aadhar number, and Email ID.
  • Now after the registration, navigate through the Central Government tab and click on the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW).
  • You will see an option labeled as “Vaccine Certificate”.
  • Click on the Vaccine Certificate link and enter your 13 Digit Reference ID to download the Covid Vaccine Certificate.
  • How to download Covid Vaccination Certificate from Cowin Website is the official website for the vaccination in India. The website can be used for various purposes but on this page we will only discuss the vaccine certificate download process. Here are some easy steps to lead you through the certificate download process.

  • Go to the official website of Cowin i.e. using your browser.
  • Now click on the sign-in button and login using your registered mobile number.
  • The OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number to confirm your identity.
  • After login, you will see your vaccination dates for both the first and second vaccination.
  • Now, go to the certificate tab link given under your name.
  • Click on the Download Button to download a PDF file as the Corona Vaccine Certificate.
  • How to download Corona Vaccine Certificate From Umang App

Using the Umang app and downloading the certificate for Covid Vaccine is really simple. Check out these steps to get the process to downloading the Vaccination certificate from the UMANG app.

  1. Open the UMANG app. If you have not downloaded the app already, go to the play store and download the app from there.
  2. Open the app in your mobile and search for the “What’s New” section.
  3. Under the “What’s New” section, you will find a tab named CoWIN.
  4. Click on the CoWIN and tap on the Download Vaccination Certificate option.
  5. Now enter your mobile number and also enter the OTP that is just sent to your mobile.
  6. Confirm the Beneficiary’s name and download the Covid Vaccination certificate from there.
Covid 2nd Vaccine Certificate

To download the Covid 2nd Vaccine Certificate, many easy ways are being told to you in the article. We will provide you a direct link to download your vaccination certificate. Now you can download Covid Vaccine 2nd Dose Certificate through your mobile. For this, you are being given some easy steps. When you get your 2nd dose of Covid Vaccine, you will receive a confirmation message on the mobile number given at the time of your vaccination.

In this message, you are given information about your registration number along with your vaccine. In this message, you will be given a link on which you will open a page on your mobile number. On this page, you have to enter your mobile number and click on get OTP, and login. On login, a PDF of the Covid Vaccine 2nd Dose Certificate will be given to your mobile. For other information, comment in the comment box below.

How to download Covid Vaccine Certificate From Aarogya Setu App

Aarogya Setu app was specially designed for Covid only. It can diagnose the early symptoms of the Covid and also keeps track of Corona Positive people around you. You can use Aarogya Setu to download your vaccination certificate also.

  • Install the Aarogya Setu App, if you have not already and open it.
  • Login or Register using your Mobile Number and OTP.
  • Click on the CoWIN tab at the top.
  • Now click on the Vaccine Certificate and enter your 13 Digit Beneficiary ID.
  • Now click on the “Get Certificate” link to download it in your device.
  • How to download Vaccination Certificate using Aadhar card

How to download Covid Vaccine Certificate with Mobile number

In every method listed above, your mobile number is the most crucial factor. No one can download Corona Vaccination Certificate without mobile number. In each process listed above, you can download Covid vaccination certificate through mobile number only. So you can download certification with mobile number using:
  • Cowin Website
  • Aarogya Setu App
  • UMANG App
  • Digilocker App
Download Corona Vaccination Certificate Without reference ID or beneficiary ID

Both in Digilocker and Aarogya Setu Apps, You will need your reference ID or Beneficiary ID to check your vaccine certificate. If you do not want to download the certificate using these two methods, you can use the UMANG app and the Cowin website to get the certificate without using a Reference ID.

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