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INCOME TAX CALCULATOR 2020-2021: Income Tax File, Income Tax 

Income Tax Return Filing.Easy Tax Calculator for India to Compute & Compare the tax regime that suits you.Tax calculation has never been so easy and fun! Efficient tax calculation and planning made possible for FREE!!! When most of the taxpayers find tax computation and tax planning very complex, My Tax India enables assessees to do these with it's simple and powerful interface. Union budget 2020 has put forth two tax regimes to choose from, and with My Tax India, be it the new regime or the old, it's just a walk in the park to foresee the tax liability and make better use of tax saving instruments. With My Tax India advanced user interface and tools, tax payers understand the Income Tax calculation and Tax saving opportunities so as to choose the best suited from the old and the new tax regimes.

Income Tax Calculator That’s all. Your detailed tax analysis will be displayed including Surcharge, Rebate, Cess and etc. You can save records, edit records, update records and share the records via all the available options.You will also get an additional data comparing between Old Regime and New Regime and it will tell you which regime is more beneficial for you.So that, you can opt the regime while filing the return. With this you can also plan the advance tax payments (if self-employed Business/profession), TDS (if you are employed, you can tell your employer under which regime tax has to be deducted to avoid more or less deductions at the end).

Income Tax Counting Calculator-This is very basic and simple calculator for all individuals, whether general, senior citizen or super senior citizen and whether resident or non-resident. Other available options.You can also go through Tax rates, exemptions / deductions / savings that can be claimed as deduction for the respective financial years. 

Income Tax Form PDF- You can also access the income tax official web sites through the App. You can go through our FAQ’s section to know more.You can access saved records section from home page to view, edit, update and/or share the same with your friends, employers, relatives, CA’s, Tax Consultants and others.

Income Tax Excel File - For Individuals - Salaried employees, Business persons & professionals. We have several plans tailored made for several combinations.The most Affordable Income Tax Returns Filing Plans in India.CA (Chartered Accountant) Guided Income Tax Return Filing.Guaranteed Tax Saving' Through Tax Planning Advisory.Complete And Expert Solutions To I-T Notices.End To End Tax Advisory Services.Using The Tax Calculator.To start using The Tax Calculator, simply enter your annual salary in the "Salary" field in the left-hand table above.

If you know your tax code you can enter it, or else leave it blank.

Income Tax Year 2020-2021 File- If you do any overtime, enter the number of hours you do each month and the rate you get paid at - for example, if you did 10 extra hours each month at time-and-a-half, you would enter "10 @ 1.5". 5 hours double time would be "5 @ 2". The Fair Labor Standards Act requires that all non-exempt employees are paid overtime rates of at least one and a half times normal wage for any work over 40 hours per week. More information here.Select your filing status from the drop-down. Choose whether you are filing as an individual ("Single"), as a married couple filing a joint return, as a married individual filing separately from your spouse, or as the head of household.

Income Tax Year 2020-21 Excel File- Choose the number of dependents you have, excluding yourself and your spouse, who are already included in the default standard deduction. If you have any other deductions (such as contributions to a retirement plan) enter the monthly amount into the deductions field.

Important Links:

APPLICATION Click Here to Download

Income Tax File 1

Income Tax File 2

Income Tax File 3

Income Tax File 4

Click Here For Download Income Tax Form File PDF

Click Here for Income Tax Ganatari Patrak 

Click Here for Download Excel File

Click Here for Download Incom Tax File (Shruti Font) 

Click Here for Download Incom Tax File (Nilkanth Font) 

Click Here for Download Nilkanth Font

Tag : Income Tax

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