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Gujarat :- Major Initiatives " Education Projects & Initiatives.

Education Projects & Initiatives

 Let the Campaign of Girl Child Education spread in every home, Let the Lamp of Educating daughters be lit up in every heart,Only then will be the vision of Swarnim Gujarat be realized. 
Narendra Modi (Kanya Kelavani Mahotsav 2009)

Schemes Adopted to Enhance Education
Bal Pravesh | Mid Day Meal Schemes
Nirogi Bal
Vidhyalaxmi Bonds
Vidhya Deep Yojna
Teacher’s Training and Distance Teacher’s Training Program

‘Smart Goals’ with a future vision 'Education for All' is a major Project of the Education Department with its Continuous Education and Literacy Policies geared to promote Literacy, reduce drop out rates, Focus on Girl Education, Teachers’ Training and a series of other Initiatives being implemented. 

Girl Education, Infrastructure, Health and Sanitation are the many areas in the process of continuous Education, Literacy, Edu Awareness and on path to enhancement in quality implementation. The Government vision is for SEE (Socio-Economic-Education) growth with primary education, secondary education, higher education, continuous education, literacy education, technical education, pharmacy education etc. 

The focus is on Concentration of plan and non-plan provisions and best use of investments made in education sector and the purpose of development. It aims for UEE (universalisation of primary education) for children in age group 6 to 14 years with specific planning, target setting and power initiative key role to 100% male and female literacy by 2010. 

The Campaign for ‘Education for All’ is implemented with Literacy initiatives like Training to 9000 teachers, covering all the students of Standards 4 and 7 under student Achievement profile, Extra coaching to girls studying in standards 2,3,4 and 5 in 12,500 schools to upgrade level by 10 to 15% in Gujarati and Arithmetic . It aims for increase in capability by 5 to 10% in writing, reading and calculating by students of standard-3. 
Financial Aid schemes like Viidhyalaxmi Bond Yojna and Insurance schemes like Vidhyadeep Yojna are implemented by the Government to provide facilities to children and families to support Education. Health of School children is a prime concern for the Government and hence, with co-operation of WHO (World Health Organization, UNICEF, UNESCO) and World Bank “Health Developing School-Programme” pilot project pioneer in Gujarat.

Computer Training is enhanced for Primary Level Education. The Government adopt Technology by promoting Computer aided Learning, which is expected to benefit around 8,50,000 students of government run schools of Gujarat. It also aims for education in rural places to set path of development with continuous power supply and broadband connectivity. 

The Government has also initiated the SCOPE program to sharpen English language skills among Gujarati learners. Desirous Schools to set up Language Laboratory are supported by learning software for improving pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. The software includes self learning program for improving pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. The students can master the English language skills and gain confidence. 

The Education Department’s ‘Sarva Shikshan Abhiyaan’ (National Program) and other promotional schemes are managed by Gujarat Council of Elementary Education (GCEE) which has grown from an agency implementing a project in just three districts to an organization implementing several different projects in primary education sector in the state, viz. DPEP (Distant Primary Education Program) II & IV.

National Project Implementation:

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Mission (SSAM), 
Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL) 
Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV)KGBV

Gujarat Edu-Project Initiatives:

Under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Mission (SSAM), all the 25 districts and Municipal Corporations in Gujarat are being covered.
Under the umbrella of SSAM, it is implementing National Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL) in 1093 clusters of 78 rural Educationally Backward Blocks (EBBs) and 39 clusters of 13 urban slums in 21 districts (excluding Bharuch, Dang, Porbandar and Valsad) in the state.
The Department execute Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV) Yojana, under which, 30 residential elementary schools with boarding facilities are being set up for girls belonging to the disadvantaged groups of SC/ST/ OBC/ Minority and BPL in difficult areas.

Childhood in Gujarat should not be lifeless but full of vigour and enthusiasm 
Narendra Modi
Teacher’s Training and Distance Teacher’s Training Program 
For the Kanya Kelavani Initiative, due care is taken by the Government to recruit qualified Teachers. The Government sets up Teachers’ Training Centers and under Education Improvement programs, School development Institutes gets grant and Teacher Incentives to procure enhanced teaching certificates. Initiatives are taken by the Government for Distance Teachers’ Training Programme. Hon’ble CM addresses the Distance Teachers' Training Programme for the Elementary school teachers through Satellite Technology. Over 1,94,000 Teachers over 4000 receiving Centers participated in the Interactive Training Program in June 2009. Teachers get to watch and listen to eminent scholars as well as academicians as well as interact with them.
Gujarat Government transforms lives and follows the Gandhian Principles. Gandhiji said, “If one boy is education, a child becomes literate but if a girl is educated, the whole family gets literacy”. The Government believes in reforming lives and bring revolutionary change in the mindsets of people for edu-socio-economical growth.
A glimpse to progress : 2007
8500 Schools upgraded since 1998
18053 schools equipped with power supply facilities
Primary School children gets School text books at no cost as 36 Crores Grant > > Initiated by Govt.
School Laboratories enhanced at the cost of 3.4 Crores every year
84,33,426 children gets Health Check up and 12, 27, 199 children get immediate .
health treatment by 2007
Key Factors & Achievement:
Special campaign to recruit 1.05 lakh Assistant Teachers for a strong and prosperous Gujarat
Kanya Kelavani Rathyatra and Pravesh Mahotsav (mid June 2009) have led to a reduction in the drop out rate to below 2.29% and 100% enrolment in Primary schools
Efforts in Primary chools have led to 49.34 lakh students obtaining uniforms at total expenditure of Rs.6,518 lakh
Efforts in Primary chools have led to 49.34 lakh students obtaining uniforms at total expenditure of Rs.6,518 lakh
Facility of free bus transport for girls in rural areas
Special concentration on 6 special schemes of Kanya Kelavani for girls in 41 most backward talukas
With increased efforts, Kanya Kelavani Fund has reached Rs. 21.83 crore, for girls Education" style="outline: 0px;" vspace="4" width="7">
The next steps for Gujarat in the area of Human Development Index: Children University and Bal Gokulam Sanstha
Reading, writing and numeracy of students in Primary Schools has improved by 80%
Some Vision 2010
Admission rate in schools is 90.30% - to be raised to 100%
Rate of drop-outs in 48.1% - to be decreased to zero.
Literacy rate among male is 73% - to be raised to 100%
Literacy rate among female is 48.6 % - to be raised to 100%
Literacy rate among scheduled castes is 61.07% - to be raised to 100%
Literacy rate among scheduled tribes in 36.45% - to be raised to 100%
Vidhya Deep Yojna 
Vidhya Deep Yojna, the Insurance scheme is adopted children where the premium is paid by the Government to ensure financial assistance to parents in case of untoward incident.
Vidhyalaxmi Bonds 
Gujarat Government focus on role of Education in Poverty Eradication and the campaign is aimed at ensuring maximum enrollment of boys and girls in primary schools all across the state. To encourage Girl Child Education, Vidhyalaxmi Bonds are entrusted among areas with low literacy rates, below 35 percent among women and this serve as an incentive to poor parents to send their daughters to schools.
Nirogi Bal 
Government ensures on Nirogi Bal scheme along with Bal Pravesh as Health is a prime concern of the child while it attends the classroom. Literacy to Health with Nirogi Bal is announced for 2008-09 with mass movement for Safe Health with impact to Social Development of Gujarat. It ensures universal reach and delivery of quality health services. It also make certain of quality nutrition and growth through effective implementation of Mamta Abhiyan. One of the many goals is to guarantee Elementary Education and Life Skills Education for all children.
Bal Pravesh | Mid Day Meal Schemes 
Government schemes like Bal Pravesh and Nirogi Bal is also made a part of the Kanya Kelavani campaign.
Government ensures ‘Literacy 100% in rural areas as it encourages Bal Pravesh (Child Admissions) by providing Admission forms and enrolling over 525,000 girls in the state in Kanya Kelavani drive. The Ministers, beauracrats and other Government officials motivate, encourage and inspire the parents to enroll their children for Education as it is a prime factor to combat poverty.
To ensure co-operation and enhance better quality of food with nutrition, the officials even share the food with children under ‘Mid Day Meal’ schemes which was started by the Government as the second state in the country, committed to social integration and social up-liftment.
Schemes Adopted to Enhance Education 
Primary Education
Vidhyalaxmi Bond Yojna
Vidhyadeep Yojna
Hon. Chief Minister’s The Girl Child Development Program
School-Health Check-up Program
Computer Training at the Primary Educational level
Secondary and Higher Secondary Department
Diploma for the teachers to improve their teaching skills ( Teacher’s Training Program )
Common Entrance Test for admission
Teleconference for the students of Std. 10th and 12th.
Technical Education
Self employment programs for the women
Kanya Kelavani
The Educated Girl Child Initiative was born out of a painful distress call as Women’s Education in Gujarat in 2001 stood on 20th Position with Literacy rate among Female with 48.1%. Hon’ble CM joined hands with all Government officers – IAS, IPS and other beauracrats, in a massive ‘Kanya Kelavani Rath’ and turned into a massive movement to face the challenge in 2009.
Government charts out plans to enroll 525,000 girls in the state in Kanya Kelavani drive. It covers 1,865 routes and as a result, 100% enrollment and reduction in the drop out rate from 40% to 2.29% is achieved. It foresees a vision 2010 that, when Gujarat celebrates its golden Jubilee, there should be a zero - ‘0’ percent drop out rate in Gujarat (Literally No Drop Outs).
Girl Child Education program is initiated in villages across Gujarat. It covers almost 18,000 villages esp. where the literacy rate is below 20 percent and focus on identified suburbs of the urban areas to spread the message of education.
The Government further envisage the Initiative to road ahead of success by making Jyoti-Gram and Broadband connectivity available in all villages. Also, Education would be one of the major sector in the Gram Mitra Yojna comprising of 5 Gram Mitra departments viz. Agriculture, Health, Education, Vikas (Development) and Human Development. (Gram Mitra Yojna is aimed to provide a boost to the social and economic structure of villages).
Education is power and the government is all set to transform the villages to illuminate with knowledge – information and awareness to bring a change in socio-economic drawbacks.
Tag : Gujarat

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