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GPSC Updates -Check GPSC Call Letter,Answer Key,Result,Interview Programme ,OMR Sheets @

GPSC Updates -Check GPSC  Call Letter,Answer Key,Result,Interview Programme ,OMR Sheets @
The gujarat public service commission was constituted under article 315(1) of the constitution of india has defined function of the public service commission in which one of the most significant power listed is the power as an advisory. It can give advice to the president and the governors of any state in.As per the provision of the Constitution of India formation of the Gujarat Public Service Commission has been made on 01-05-1960.Following functions have been entrusted to the Gujarat Public Service Commission under Article 320 of the Constitution of India.

To conduct examinations for appointment to the services of the State.To advise on –The matters relating to methods of recruitment to various Civil Services of the State;The principles to be followed in making appointments to civil services of the State and granting promotions, transfers from one service to another and the suitability of candidates for such appointments, promotions and transfers;All the disciplinary matters affecting the Government servants,The claims of reimbursements of legal expenses incurred by Government Servants in defending themselves in legal proceedings initiated against them for the act done or purported to be done by them while executing their duty;The claims for granting injury-pensions to Government Servants; andAny other matters that may be referred to the Commission by His Execellancy the Governor.

On receipt of the requisition from the Government to select the candidates for the posts shown in the Table-I falling under the purview of the Commission, the advertisement is published by the Commission in the leading Gujarati, English newspapers and Gujarat Rojgar Samachar.The candidates are selected on the basis of the marks secured by them in the written examination or written examination and viva voce, subject to satisfying the eligibility norm. After sending the recommendation of the selected candidates to the Government by the Commission, The Government issues the order of appointment / training.

Application forms are to befilled online on and other relevantdetails can also be obtained from the General category candidates,
The General category Candidates have to pay Rs. 100 + Postal/Bank Charges (as applicable) after filling the online application form by paying at any Post Office across Gujarat or by e-Payment. Application Form Fees will not be accepted in Cash or Demand Draft or by Indian Postal Order (IPO).While in respect to reserved category and physically challenged candidates,
The candidates belonging to the Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes and Socially and Educationally Backward Classes of Gujarat origin and Physically Disabled person are exempted from the payment of application fee & examination fee.Such candidates should produce a certified copy of the Caste certificates / Medical certificate of Physically Disability issued by the competent officer, as the case may be.Examination Fee.

The Unreserved / General Candidates shall require to pay the examination fee as mentioned in the advertisement.Examination fee shall be paid in cash at any computerized Post Office across Gujarat or by payment gateway online. Besides this, application form fees cannot be paid through "Cash or Indian Postal Order or by Demand Draft."The examination fee shall not be accepted in the form of postal stamps or by money order or Cash or Demand Draft or by Indian Postal Order (IPO) or in any other form except for online e-payment (Payment Gateway) or by post office challan to be paid across all the computerized post offices across Gujarat (Fees+Postal/Bank Charges (as applicable)).Once the application fees is received by the Commission, no request for refund of the fee shall be entertained nor shall this fee be kept reserved for any other examination or selection.The candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Socially and Educationally Backward Classes of Gujarat origin only and Physically Disabled shall not require to pay examination fee.Ex-servicemen who have retired after the completion of their general services in the armed forces and those who are eligible to appear at the competitive examination for the posts of Class-III, are exempted from payment of the application form fee and examination fee, but they are not eligible to get such exemption from the competitive examination of class-I and Class-II posts.Age limit:
The relaxation in the upper age limit is available as per the details shown in the advertisement published by the Commission. The following relaxation shall be available as per the existing provisions:

Tag : GPSC

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