Dear Visitors,
Now you can get JOb information & Competitive Exam’s Preparation materials through TET HTAT GURU site Easily. We daily publish Tet Htat Guru’s JOB MAHITI on our site job mahiti Give Gujarat & India Level all type of new jobs information. Here you can Get Various job Like Graduate jobs,Engineer jobs,Diploma candidate jobs,Mba jobs,Law jobs and other various jobs. Tet Htat Guru is famous for competitive exam’s preparation. we provide complete exam materials for various exam Like Tet,Htat,Tat,police exam,Clerk exam, Gpsc Exam,panchayat clerk exam and other Gujarat Level Exams.
From Tet Htat Guru Web you can Get various Subjects Related materials Like General knowledge, Gujarat Totally General knowledge,English Grammar,Gujarati Grammar, Gujarati Literature, maths,science and other more materials.
For Competitive exams complete preparation stay connected with TET HTAT GURU
We have done Merit survey of Social Science vidyasahayak bharti merit survey.
This is not official merit survey
This merit survey is Done by Tet htat Guru & Kj parmar
In past Our merit survey of Vidyasahayak Bharti,Htat are also nearest to Official merit.
This survey done according to Online Entry of candidates in our Google form.
From thsi survey you can also see your place in your category.
You can download merit survey Result In pdf formate From below Given Links.
Merit survey is also availabel in 5 Category. General,Sebc,Sc,St & Handiacape.
Important Links:-
St category Male & Female
Sebc Category male & female
Sc category male & female
Handicape caetgory
General category male & female
Dear Visitors,
Now you can get JOb information & Competitive Exam’s Preparation materials through TET HTAT GURU site Easily. We daily publish Tet Htat Guru’s JOB MAHITI on our site job mahiti Give Gujarat & India Level all type of new jobs information. Here you can Get Various job Like Graduate jobs,Engineer jobs,Diploma candidate jobs,Mba jobs,Law jobs and other various jobs. Tet Htat Guru is famous for competitive exam’s preparation. we provide complete exam materials for various exam Like Tet,Htat,Tat,police exam,Clerk exam, Gpsc Exam,panchayat clerk exam and other Gujarat Level Exams.
From Tet Htat Guru Web you can Get various Subjects Related materials Like General knowledge, Gujarat Totally General knowledge,English Grammar,Gujarati Grammar, Gujarati Literature, maths,science and other more materials.
For Competitive exams complete preparation stay connected with TET HTAT GURU
We have done Merit survey of Social Science vidyasahayak bharti merit survey.
This is not official merit survey
This merit survey is Done by Tet htat Guru & Kj parmar
In past Our merit survey of Vidyasahayak Bharti,Htat are also nearest to Official merit.
This survey done according to Online Entry of candidates in our Google form.
From thsi survey you can also see your place in your category.
You can download merit survey Result In pdf formate From below Given Links.
Merit survey is also availabel in 5 Category. General,Sebc,Sc,St & Handiacape.
Important Links:-
St category Male & Female
Sebc Category male & female
Sc category male & female
Handicape caetgory
General category male & female
Tag :
merit list,
Vidhyasahayak Bharti