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GIDC Written Exam Schedule 2016-17

GIDC Written Exam Schedule 2016-17

GIDC has been created for securing the orderly establishment and organization of industries in industrial areas and industrial estates in the state.

To fulfill the above mandate, the Corporation has established 202 industrial estate.

GIDC is now establishing Special Investment Regions, PCPIR, Industrial areas and large /sector-specific estates in tune with the changing economic and industrial scenario.

fresh news, the GIDC accountant officer exam dates were announced. Applicants who have applied for the GIDC recruitment 2016 are eagerly waiting to write the exam. Aspirants who filled the application form are searching for the GIDC Clerk admit card 2016 to attend the exam. Competitors who are in probe of latest Gujarat Govt jobs have applied and started their preparation. Peoples who are preparing for this written test can get their GIDC assistant engineer call letter using the credentials. The written exam is going to organize for 187 posts. The officials will not give permission to write the exam without having GIDC assistant hall ticket. Check the below step by step procedure to get the Gujarat Steno Grade-3 admit card from online web portal
GIDC assistant engineer call letter

The full form of GIDC is Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation. The organization was set up in the year 1962. The board was established under the Gujarat Industrial Development Act. The primary goal of this agency is to accelerate industrialization in the Gujarat state. The main objectives of this commission are to identify the best locations which are suitable for industrial development in the state. The Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation creates industrial estates with infrastructures such as water supply, electricity, drainage, roads and ready-to-occupy factory sheds. The board head office was located in the Gandhi Nagar. It releases various employment advertisements when the manpower arises. In the month of February 2016, it has published the GIDC recruitment 2016 for various posts. In accepted the online applications for 187 posts of assistant engineer (AE), manager, accounts officer, assistant, and clerk cum typist. Finally the officials closed the process of registration on 24th May 2016. Those who are searching for the latest govt jobs 2016 have applied and looking for the announcement of GIDC accountant officer exam dates. Gets the most recent updates regarding GIDC Clerk admit card 2016.

GIDC assistant hall ticket

Workless persons who are waiting for the degree jobs have applied and looking for the announcement of GIDC accountant officer exam dates. The questions are asked from 4 different subjects such as English, general maths, mental ability, general knowledge and typist test. Follow our site updates to know the exam pattern details. The exam will be conducted in the last week of June. To decrease the number of untalented applicants, the officers decided to conduct the test and have issued the GIDC Clerk admit card 2016. Refer the online website to get the call letter. The exam pattern is differing from each post, so we suggest you to collect the details of test pattern & Syllabus before going to attend. Applicants must enter the registration number and DOB values to get the GIDC assistant engineer call letter. Without GIDC assistant hall ticket, the officials will not have permissions to write the exam. Find out the necessary details such as venue of the exam, roll number, time and date which are mentioned on the Gujarat Steno Grade-3 admit card. Further, we will give results, answer keys information on our site.

Positions vacant: Asst engineer (AE), Manager, Accounts Officer, Assistant, clerk cum typist

Number of vacancies: 187

Exam Type: Written Exam

Date of Exam: Update Soon

Category: Admit card

How to download GIDC Clerk admit card 2016?
Go to official web portal
Click on the GIDC recruitment 2016
Find the admit card option
Click on that, a new window will open
Enter the required details and press submit button
Admit card appears on the screen
Download and save a copy for future reference

GIDC Written Exam Schedule 201617

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