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Dena Bank has published Advertisement for Meritorious Sportspersons in Officer / Clerical / Subordinate Cadres 2016

Dena Bank has published Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2016. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.

Posts : Meritorious Sportspersons in Officer / Clerical / Subordinate Cadres

Total No. of Posts :

Educational Qualification : Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.

Educational Qualification
Sports Qualifications

Subordinate staff
Minimum X standard pass or itsequivalent
Should have represented the District in a State level eventor should have participated in an All India School event.

Clerical Staff
Graduation from any recognized University
Should have represented the State in National event, orthe district in State level with distinction, or his Universityin an Inter University event with distinction or if he was amember of the Combined University Team.

Graduation from any recognized University
Should have represented the country or won an ArjunaAward or represented the State with distinction for at leastfive years in

Age Limit :

  • Subordinate staff: Between 18 and 26 years i.e. candidates must have been born not earlier than 02/09/1990 and not later than 01/09/1998(both dates inclusive).
  • Clerical staff : Between 20 and 28 years i.e. candidates must have been born not earlier than 02/09/1988 and not later than 01/09/1996(both dates inclusive).
  • Officers: Between 20 and 30 years i.e. candidates must have been born not earlier than 02/09/1986 and not later than 01/09/1996(both dates inclusive).

Application Fees (Non-Refundable):
  • For SC/ST/PWD – ` 50/- (only postal charges)
  • For all others (including OBC/ Ex-servicemen)- `400/-
  • Requisite application fee must be paid by way of “NEFT” through any Scheduled Commercial Bank.
  • NEFT must be paid on or after 06.09.2016 but on or before 20.09.2016. Even if the Bank extends the date of Receipt of applications by one or two days, the valid dates of NEFT will not be changed. Candidates must write his/her name, Contact Number (Mobile/Phone number) and address and post applied for on the reverse of the NEFT.
  • Application fees by Demand Draft/Pay Order/cash/cheque/money order/postal stamps will NOT be accepted.

Selection Process : 
Candidates possessing requisite qualifications will be called for on-field selection trials. However, merely satisfying the eligibility norms will not entitle a candidate to be called for on-field selection trials. The Bank reserves the right to call only the requisite number of candidates for selection trials after preliminary screening / shortlisting taking into account the candidate’s qualifications, suitability, experience, ranking by the concerned governing Sports Board, if any etc. Since the recruitment will be mainly on the basis of sports qualifications, suitable weightage would be given to this factor and the age of the candidate since the recruitment is for active sportspersons. Candidates who qualify in selection trials will be called for interview if they are eligible for appointment in Officer Cadre. Selection process may vary depending upon the level of responses received against each post.

How to Apply: Application form complete in all respects should be sent by Registered / Speed post only in a closed envelope superscribed as ‘APPLICATION FOR RECRUITMENT UNDER SPORTS QUOTA (__________________ DISCIPLINE) IN DENA BANK” to “THE ASSTT. GENERAL MANAGER (H.R.M), DENA BANK, HEAD OFFICE, DENA CORPORATE CENTRE, C-10, BLOCK G, BANDRA KURLA COMPLEX, BANDRA [EAST], MUMBAI 400051”.

Last Date : Duly filled in and signed application, and accompanied with required documents, should reach the Bank’s Office on or before 20.09.2016.

Advertisement : Click Here

Application Form : Click Here

Download Fee payment (NEFT) detail : Click Here

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